I dedicate this project to a dear friend, who was rather indignant that I had not yet named a sewing pattern after her. Maya, this one’s for you.
I have recently moved into a gorgeous new apartment with my flatmate, and my ever-increasing fabric stash has had to make the transition with me. My new sewing space is in our sunny lounge which makes for a wonderful space, but has to be kept neat for the sake of harmonious communal living. (Before, when I sewed in my bedroom, I had no qualms going to sleep under piles of fabric scraps and pattern pieces. There, I said it.) The offending bulk of fabric stash now has to be beaten into submission by ever-fearless seamstress (me) so as to fit into my modest new abode.
These oven mitts were borne out of necessity (we are filling a new kitchen) as well as the opportunity to use up some bright yellow triacetate I bought about a year ago to make this gigantic squid.
So, read and sew along to make your own pair of quick and easy DIY oven mitts.
You will need
- Triacetate, about half a metre
- Batting, about a quarter metre
- Felt to decorate
1. Cut two long rectangles of triacetate, about 70 by 20cm, rounding the corners to create a mitt-like shape. Using the rectangle as a template, cut the batting into the same shape, about a centimetre smaller all round.
2. Using the depth of your hand as a guide, cut two glove pieces. Hem the straight edge of each glove piece. Decorate one (or both!) of your glove pieces with felt eyes and a little nose.
3. Freehand cut two ears. I chose to make my oven mitt a lion, so I made two mane-like protrusions. Cut mirror images of the same two ear pieces, place right sides together, sew, and turn right side out.
4. Now to assemble! Place your first rectangle of triacetate right side down, then the batting, then position your ears. Next, layer the second rectangle of triacetate right side up, then finish with the glove pieces. Pin together firmly.
Because my triacetate does not fray, I chose to leave a raw edge on my oven mitts. Simply sew all the way around, about 5mm from the fabric edge. And there you have it, ridiculous utility wear!