The last few steps of the quilt-making process are probably the simplest, and definitely the most exciting. As the whole thing comes together, the beautiful puzzle finally starts to take on the shape of a useful object.
For those who are interested, or following along, here’s how I went about finishing off the quilt.
Lay down the fabric backing, layering the batting on next, and then the quilt-top. Using the quilt top as a guide, cut the batting to the matching size. Make double-sure the selvedge on the fabric backing is straight, then cut the fabric backing to size, leaving about 15mm leeway on all sides. To make sure the quilt doesn’t move as you work with it, I find that using a few safety pins through all layers at strategic points helps to keep everything in place.
Working around all sides, fold the excess backing allowance over the batting, slipping it under the quilt top to conceal the raw edge.
Pin your binding evenly, and sew it up edge by edge, making a mitre on each corner as you go.
And there you have it, the technicolour dream quilt appears.
This whole project has been a massive experiment, but the freedom of figuring it out for yourself makes for a really satisfying process.
Have a look at the other posts in this series for hints and tips on how to make your own quilt from scratch. Get a feel for the design basics in Part 1, or head over to Part 2 to find out more about assembling your quilt top.