A new, South African sewing blog
And so it begins! Welcome to what I envision will be a madhouse of fun, fabric and feverish stitchery.
Up until last year, my sewing history was comprised mostly of one Grade 11 formal dress made during my Home Economics classes, and several awful, abandoned Hospice shop alterations. This, I hoped, was about to change. After completing a pattern-making course at a local college, it did. I managed to pattern and sew a fitted, boned bodice dress for a dear friend from scratch. And this is the accomplishment that has fed the fever.
So here’s the challenge: I’ve decided to sew at least six garments this year, one every two months, to develop my skills and challenge my patience. And what better way to start than a casual flip through a Burda magazine over a cup of tea? Glossy fashion spreads do much to inspire the kind of delighted creativity that totally neglects to consider one’s actual sewing skills. So, with that, I’ve selected a few patterns to start, including a pair of shorts, two skirts and a coat. A challenge it certainly shall be!
I like to trace my patterns off the pattern sheet using baking paper. It’s a really affordable and accessible option, just stick it in with the milk when you’re grocery shopping. If you need a slightly wider piece, just wack it together with a bit of sellotape. As you can see in the picture below, once I’ve traced and cut all the pieces out, I slip them into a little sleeve together with all the information and a small diagram pencilled in on the front. This is really useful to take to the fabric shop for easy reference. And the envelope is also a cheap cheat – just fold a scrap of A4 paper in half and tape it up the sides, leaving one short end open. Done!
I’ll be starting with the pair of shorts, well, shortly, so that I can make the best of the glorious summer weather. Armed with my pattern and a newly tidied workspace, I’m ready for the challenge to commence.
Join my adventure. I’m learning, and maybe you are too. Let’s sew.